So I just started using ebible.com (currently by invite only and in beta) and am really enjoying it. I've never been a fan of Bible Gateway, having to really sort through the muck of the interface, and ebible is much friendlier. I hope they have some additional translations available in the future, but for a search reference it is clean and good looking.
So, I've got 3 whole invites currently. The first 3 people to email me with the name of my favorite left handed Bible character get one. Hopefully they'll add more as time goes on and I can have other fun Bible trivia up here.
Email the answer to laura dot ralston at gmail dot com.
The answer was Ehud. Thanks for playing! I'll let ya know if I get more invites.
So, I've got 3 whole invites currently. The first 3 people to email me with the name of my favorite left handed Bible character get one. Hopefully they'll add more as time goes on and I can have other fun Bible trivia up here.
Email the answer to laura dot ralston at gmail dot com.
The answer was Ehud. Thanks for playing! I'll let ya know if I get more invites.
Hi...gotta be Jesus, he could totally use any hand he wanted...;) Do I qualify for an invite?? My address is rockjayanna at yahoo dot com
Anonymous, at
7:18 AM
i have 2 left, so if you want to come up with a contest to get rid of mine your are welcome to it.
Anonymous, at
8:41 PM
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